Areolar reduction is an operation aimed to reduce the size of the areola (the pigmented skin around the nipple). Some patients have inherently large areolae, whereas in some the areola is stretched due to ageing or breast feeding. Most patients seeking surgery are self-conscious about the look of the areola -this may affect their choice of clothing, work, activities and self-confidence in relationships.

Areolar reduction surgery can be done a number of ways in Bristol. It is often done in combination with a lift of the nipple and areola, even with removal of excess breast skin and lifting of the breast (Mastopexy or Breast Lift) but can be done as an individual procedure in itself, usually through a cut around the border of the areola and breast skin. If the areola is misshapen or fades with no clear border, the procedure can also be used to reshape and/or redefine the areola. There may be some asymmetry of the two areolae in which case obvious differences can be rebalanced with surgery. The underlying tissues may need supporting for a longer-lasting effect. The procedure is usually a daycase and can often be done under local anaesthetic (With you awake) although many patients prefer to be asleep (A General Anaesthetic). I have extensive experience of all the latest techniques and will be able to advise which technique is best for you, depending on the size and shape of the existing areola and desired result. Many surgeons are only familiar with one or two techniques, so it is important to know, whoever you see, that they are suggesting the operation that is best for you rather than just suggesting the operation they are able to do.

My patients are highly satisfied with their surgery. This includes hospital and nursing staff who have asked me to perform the operation after seeing my outcomes, and by personal recommendation of friends and relatives who like my friendly yet professional approach, and know they are in safe hands. My patients are more comfortable with their appearance after surgery, their confidence and self-esteem is better. They feel they can wear more revealing clothing, clothing fits them better in general and often personal and sexual relationships improve. It is an operation I enjoy doing knowing predictably good results.



All prices are all-inclusive i.e including surgical fee, hospital fees, anaesthetic fees, post-operative appointments, any required dressings or prescriptions and costs of corrective surgery within a year of the procedure.


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